Better cloud blocks!

I can still change it

I'm trying to make a query parser to disallow cloud ids that are not eq to projectname.

Its InDev

Ok, I’m looking forward for that :smiley:

Is it finished?


I don't know python

yeah yeah so i asked @programmer_user

did he reply to you?

yes but w/ a bad answer(no clue of location.hash which I need)

Could you give us the url?

Can you add a delete all of cloud list items block?

Good job !
@18001767679 can i store somes pentrails in your cloud server ?
Do you have space limit on your server?

His server stopped working from other projects.

it's working for me...

Try it in a separate project by exporting and importing them to a different project

you have to create and set 3 variables and it's working...

Ahh. (Speaking of cloud vars I'm going to add anticheat)

can we discuss this subject in you own topic ?

I literally said one tiny thing. I wasn't gonna continue it.