Aquest espai col·laboratiu vol ser el punt de trobada virtual de la comunitat catalana d'Snap!
Ens uneix la llengua que fem servir, el català, però també una realitat semblant i propera. Volem impulsar trobades presencials, però aquest espai sera imprescindible per comunicar-nos, compartir materials i permetre també una realitat "híbrida" (presencial i virtual alhora) que ens pot ajudar a conciliar situacions, circumstàncies, distàncies...
Tenim altres plataformes on ens trobem col·lectius diferents i on impulsem i gaudim d'Snap! Aquest espai, més transversal, serà on ens podrem trobar tots i totes (docents, aprenents, ciutadans...del sud i del nord...) i alhora ens aproparà a la comunitat global d'Snap! on també volem ser presents i participar activament.
For anyone who doesn't know Catalan(google translate):
Welcome to the Catalan community of Snap!
We are united by the language we use, Catalan, but also a similar and close reality. We want to promote face-to-face meetings, but this space will be essential to communicate, share materials and also allow a "hybrid" reality (face-to-face and virtual at the same time) that can help us reconcile situations, circumstances, distances ...
We have other platforms where we meet different groups and where we promote and enjoy Snap! This space, more transversal, will be where we can all meet (teachers, learners, citizens ... from the south and the north ...) and at the same time bring us closer to the global community of Snap! where we also want to be present and actively participate.
What type of language is Catalan? Is it block based? Typing based? Sprite, and typing based?
Quin tipus de llengua és el català? Està basat en blocs? Basat en l’escriptura? Sprite i basat en l’escriptura?
Oh, I'm sorry if I insulted anyone who speaks it.
Where is it spoken? I know there are thousands of languages in India, and Papua new guinea. Is it one of those?
Ah, em sap greu si he insultat algú que ho parli.
On es parla? Sé que hi ha milers de llengües a l'Índia i Papua Nova Guinea. És d’aquests?
I know where Andorra is, but the rest are unfamiliar to me, as I am not familiar with regions of European countries, is it north, south, east, west, northwest, northeast, southeast, or southwest of Andorra?
Sé on es troba Andorra, però la resta em desconeixen, ja que no conec les regions dels països europeus, és al nord, sud, est, oest, nord-oest, nord-est, sud-est o sud-oest d’Andorra?
Guys, this forum is for the Catalan community. So there is no reason for us, to being there with rude and provocative comments and at all.
Translated by Google
This collaborative space wants to be the virtual meeting point of the Catalan community of SNAP!
It unites us the language we use, Catalan, but also a similar and close reality. We want to promote face-to-face encounters, but this space is essential to communicate, share materials and also allow a "hybrid" reality (face to face and virtual at the same time) that can help you reconcile situations, circumstances, distances ...
We have other platforms where we find different groups and where we promote and enjoy Snap! This space, more transversal, will be where we can find all (teachers, apprentices, citizens ... from the south and north ...) and at the same time closer to the global community of SNAP! Where we also want to be present and participate actively.
Yes! Just reading the description of the "Local Communities" category: "This is a holder for subcategories for local communitites, using their own languages as appropriate."
And the idea of these spaces is not to exclude anyone, but quite the opposite. We want to be able to include people. Not everyone in the world feels comfortable speaking English!
Here we can speak in Catalan without disturbing anyone (I understand that only people who understand and are interested will subscribe this category).
And thank you for being interested in our small community. You can easily find information about our language (Catalan language - Wikipedia). We are about 10 million speakers.
We are distributed between Spain (most), France, Andorra and Italy (a small place). Maybe the place that most people will know is Barcelona.
And yes, we have a lot of Snappers! And we are a team very involved in the Snap! project! A third of the Snap! team are Catalan. Catalans are the lead dev and maintainers of projects such as Snap4Arduino and Beetleblocks. Edutec-Citilab and Robolot teams, especially active and and continuously develop innovative projects with Snap!...
And we want to continue working and playing with all of you, sharing projects, this global community space. We only need this small category to incorporate our non-English speakers and to be able to organize face-to-face events in a shared way.
Are Catalan, and Spanish similar, as Spanish, and Portuguese are? I know little bits of Spanish.
El català i el castellà són similars, com ho són el castellà i el portuguès? Conec trossets d’espanyol.
Catalan is a Western Romance language, derived from vulgar Latin spoken in the Middle Ages in western Europe.
If you know little bits of Spanish... you can see Catalan has a lot of similarities with Spanish. Also with other languages... Maybe the closest language is Occitan. And also we have a strong relation with Spanish, because most Catalan speakers also speak Spanish.