
I need an autosave feature that saves work every few minutes.
I was working on my project: ArcadeS! V2, I spent a LONG time making a better key menu. I didn't save. I accidentally closed my computer and panicked. I opened google chrome, oped Snap! 10.0 and, sure enough, the ONE thing I spent HOURS ON... gone. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! I am crying while writing this. PLEASE ADD AN AUTOSAVE FEATURE IN SNAP! V11.

this has been suggested MANY times before. Now, when you write a snap topic, It says "this topic is similar to..." but why didn't you bother clicking on the topics that were the EXACT SAME THING???

I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm not sure if an autosave feature has been created yet, or planned. I'm not sure if there's a block that automates saving, either.

You can with js

I actually created a script to autosave if there has been an edit made, and it's been at least 5 minutes from the last save.

Here's my project (the scripts are in stage).

Could I commend to your attention Section II.E of the manual, page 39? It is often possible to recover from this situation, provided that you don't panic.

We know that what we have is far from a perfect autosave feature. It's on our urgent list, but bear in mind that (1) your projects are saved to our cloud server, and (2) we aren't Google, and can afford neither the network bandwidth to the server nor the server storage capacity to make continual autosaves. So this is a money problem as well as a technical problem.

We are not going to invent Snap! Pro, in which you pay us $20/month or whatever for autosave. That would be too horrible to contemplate.

We have considered interfacing with third party storage providers such as Drive (already used by a lot of US schools) and Dropbox, but their APIs are (1) all different and (2) complicated, and also, we're nervous about any solution that would require us to know your password on those providers.

Meanwhile, if you happen to know any rich people interested in computer science education...

Amen to that :~(

usually there would be a button to link your account with another provider which would give you some sort of token that gives you access to things from someones account (with restrictions set in place by the developer, which is shown to the user when linking the account)

Would we have to worry about keeping that secret, analogous to a password? Or would it include our URL domain cryptographically signed by the third party service, so that nobody else could use it even if they steal it?

You need a user key, which you would get through oath2 (and google would give you the key), and you need the app id and secrets, which will allow google to only accept this user token with this app token. I probably explained it horribly, so here's google's page on oath2.

So, if I'm understanding correctly, we would have to keep our own credentials secret, but we won't have any per-user secrets. I guess that makes sense.

But boy is that document complicated. Luckily, this would be Michael's job, not mine! :~) And he already understands OAuth because iirc that's how logging into Snap! logs you into the forum.

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