Ask a question and validate the answer

Asking a question until the condition was true...
Ask a question and wait with condition script pic

It could be interesting for some of you...

Impressive. Two Three improvements:.

  1. When a condition is not true, it shouldn't be in a say [] for () secs block because if the error message is long, it's hard to read. You may use menus like in the menus library for notifying people until a certain button is pressed.
  2. "conditionnal" should be changed to "conditional".
  3. Help menu should be "Ask a question, and ask again when the condition isn't true.".

Or you could put the error message before the ask message, so they show up together, like this.

I know this is not the best example, but you should be able to see where I'm going.

Sorry, french translation for "conditional" is "conditionnel", it's very close... (i speak french)