Art and Music - Module 4 (Fall 2022)

Here's a link to the fourth module, Simulating an Impressionist Painting:

Create art in through a technique known as pointillism. This method
creates a painting by placing tiny dots on the canvas to create an impression of the original painting.

Unsure if I want this to be my submission, but I made a way to boost contrast of an image:

It works by using the data of the image by taking samples of color, saturation, and brightness (graphing options exist in the Pen menu). From there, it finds the mean, average, and standard deviation of the brightness. Note that mean and average are not the same values, as data exists in both the x and y axis. Average is the y axis average and mean is the x axis average.

From there, it will evaluate the brightness of each n-sized area (where n is a user inputted value). If the brightness is above the mean, it will shift up by (w * standard deviation) (where w is another user input). If the brightness is less than the mean, it will shift down by (w * standard deviation). The higher w is, the more contrast there will be.

Snap! Build Your Own Blocks (

This is my submission for my week 5 assignment. The way my code works is taking what I learned in class and having the sprite move to multiple located, changing the color to the background, and recopying the picture on the background and then hiding the canvas. The rest of my explanation is in my notes and I hope you enjoy the picture of Dubai.

For assignment 5 I began by choosing one main image of houses in front of a sunset that simulated an impressionist painting by painting dots reflecting nearly the same color as the original image. I then used a second image of a bouquet of flowers to create a second painting but instead of using dots I used lines and I changed the reflect color block slightly to change the tones of the color profile. I then found the color profiles of both these images. To explore this project further, I created a color palette based on the colors I collected with the Collect Color Samples block in the second image. I did this by setting a variable to a list based on these colors and then used this palette to recreate the first original image of the sunset but with a palette inspired by the second image of the flowers.

I really enjoy the end product of your project. I think the image was a great choice because the effect of the city lights really comes through via the bright neon colors against the darker blacks and blues. Looking at your code, I really liked your choice of repeating small dots a huge amount of times because it gives the end product an even more detailed-realistic look.

The first image is from my road trip this summer from LA to Seattle. My friend and I stopped by San Fran and I took a picture of this famous street from Full House, the television series.

After creating a color profile for the painted ladies, I used that profile to create a painting of Pike Place in Seattle by changing the saturation of the color profile used in the painted ladies.

I really like the picture you chose and how you were able to make it very detailed with the small pen size. For the future, I think it would be good to hide your sprite when you're reflecting and dotting your painting, just to make it look a little nicer through the process.

This is my submission for my 5th assignment. I wanted to stimulate a calming effect contrasting two spectrums of the color scale. To stimulate an impressionist-like artwork I decided to choose two scenic images, one of France’s Eiffel Tower and another of a lake.

I really like how your project turned out and the use of colors in your artwork. It really resonated the impressionist movement!!

I really like the colors you used and the contrast in the difference in the background and the home you used. It really makes the sunset stand out with the difference in colors. This is a beautiful picture as well.

Here is the link to my week 5 assignment. I wanted to contrast the various colors found in nature so I created an impressionist painting of a green and blue-filled waterfall scene and a vibrant red volcanic eruption.

After creating the volcano scene, I created a color palette of the most commonly used colors to recreate the waterfall painting with the vibrant reds. I also changed the shape from dots to triangles in this last image for more dimension.

This image was amazing! I really liked how you were able to paint over the different color houses and use the different color patterns flawlessly!

For this project I attempted to paint over the sketch of a star constellation. I ultimately, struggled to properly do the code but was able to get my "paint brush" to change colors as it moved to match the different colors of the stars across the wallpaper.

For Week 5, I choose to "paint" a tropical scene, and then use the colors from that painting in order to paint a tropical colored cityscape. When you click the flag, the tropical scene will be painted. Clicking the "make color profile graph" block will allow you to view the colors from that painting. To paint the tropical city, make sure you click the "paint tropical scene" block first, then click the "collect tropical colors" block to sample the colors, and then click the "paint tropical city" block to apply the extracted colors to the city.

I like the use of the "moody purples" to create the flowers instead of just their original color palette, and it looks really pretty on the houses too!

This was so cool! First of all, your documentation is amazing, it was so easy to understand what the blocks did and what your goals were for each. I also loved the use of the different keyboard keys to start the different blocks of code, it made your program very simple to use. Your art is really cool too and I love the final product!
Here's a link to my assignment for week 5. I used a picture of the Rocky Mountains to create the impressionist painting. It still takes quite a long time to run, so if anyone has some suggestions on how to speed up the runtime, I would appreciate it!

@jadaseam I really like the final look of the tropical city. The blues, oranges, blacks and whites work very nicely together. I also like how you set both the hue and saturation of the final image to random number from the Tropical Colors palette. I think this created a more abstract look while still keeping the outline of the city visible. Good job!

Snap! Impressionist (

Here is my week 5 assignment, my notes on the design are in the project notes.

The top link is a basic adaptation of my original photo to Impressionist and the link below is my attempt at making some color manipulation with another photo. Not sure which one I would want on a mug though.

Snap! Impressionist2 (

I really like the two places you chose they have a special place in my heart. The final product of Pikes Place is incredible to look at, I really feel like I'm looking at an impressionist painting. I appreciate that despite using different color palettes the picture still looks normal in the end as opposed to obscure. Nice work!