Arduino Analog Button Inputs

I need help with button inputs in Arduino! Please help! I'm stuck on what to do!

Below is the code:

//Arduino AI Guessing Game
//Version: TestBuild
//Not ready for public testing

//AI's Number:
int AINum = 0;

//Memory Module:
int Round1Num = 0;
int Round2Num = 0;
int Round3Num = 0;
int Round4Num = 0;

//Round Number and Player's Number:
int Round = 0;
int PlayerNum = 0;

//Pin Numbers for Electronic Components
//are stored in these variables:
const int AINum1 = 1;
const int AINum2 = 2;
const int AINum3 = 3;
const int AINum4 = 4;
const int AINum5 = 5;

const int PlayerNum1 = A1;
const int PlayerNum2 = A2;
const int PlayerNum3 = A3;
const int PlayerNum4 = A4;
const int PlayerNum5 = A5;

const int PlayerChoice1 = 6;
const int PlayerChoice2 = 7;
const int PlayerChoice3 = 8;
const int PlayerChoice4 = 9;
const int PlayerChoice5 = 10;

//These variables scan the player's
int Button1 = 0;
int Button2 = 0;
int Button3 = 0;
int Button4 = 0;
int Button5 = 0;

void setup()
  //Lets the Arduino UNO board know
  //if the pin is a button or an LED
  pinMode(AINum1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AINum2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AINum3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AINum4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AINum5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PlayerChoice1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PlayerChoice2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PlayerChoice3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PlayerChoice4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PlayerChoice5, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  //Sets up inputs for later
  Button1 = analogRead(PlayerNum1);
  Button2 = analogRead(PlayerNum2);
  Button3 = analogRead(PlayerNum3);
  Button4 = analogRead(PlayerNum4);
  Button5 = analogRead(PlayerNum5);
  //Thinking Module:
  AINum = random(1, 5 + 1);

void ScanAINum()
  //Scans AI Number and returns the number,
  //turning on one of the blue LEDs to let the player
  if (AINum == 1) {
    digitalWrite(AINum1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(AINum2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum5, LOW);
  if (AINum == 2) {
    digitalWrite(AINum1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(AINum3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum5, LOW);
  if (AINum == 3) {
    digitalWrite(AINum1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(AINum4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum5, LOW);
  if (AINum == 4) {
    digitalWrite(AINum1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum4, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(AINum5, LOW);
  if (AINum == 5) {
    digitalWrite(AINum1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(AINum5, HIGH);

void TurnOffAINum()
  //Turns off AI Number in case the number
  //the AI chose is the same as last time.
  digitalWrite(AINum1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AINum2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AINum3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AINum4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AINum5, LOW);

void ScanPlayerNum()
	//Scans the Player's Number and returns its value
  	if (Button1 == HIGH)
    	PlayerNum = 1;
		digitalWrite(PlayerChoice1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice3, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice5, LOW);
  	if (Button2 == HIGH)
    	PlayerNum = 2;
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice3, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice5, LOW);
  	if (Button3 == HIGH)
    	PlayerNum = 3;
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice3, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice5, LOW);
  	if (Button4 == HIGH)
    	PlayerNum = 4;
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice3, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice4, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice5, LOW);
  	if (Button5 == HIGH)
    	PlayerNum = 5;
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice3, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PlayerChoice5, HIGH);

Basically, if I press Button 1, an LED should light up. But it doesn't light up.

I've thought about making the "digitalWrite" bits in another void/function.

But firstly I want to see what YOUR thoughts and solutions are.

Can I see the circuit diagram so I can build it?

I've not tried to debug your code but it contains quite a lot of code that says switch things on and off

Try making a copy of it and commenting out a lot of it so that your just scanning a single pin and trying to turn on a single LED

Make sure the AI part of the code isn't trying to combat you

See what happens then

Seems that digital/analog mode does not match.
Analog port connected to V+ => analogRead(A1) >1000.

There is a example with debug info visible in Arduino IDE

Use this image and connect all the wires in the correct order
TinkerCAD AI Guessing Game

What can I do for Button inputs? I'm very confused.

You can use this link: Tinkercad | From mind to design in minutes


Like I said, I need help on my code.

Basically, if you press a button, an LED will light up. But for some reason it isn't lighting up. Why? Can someone help me?

So I made the buttons go to the digital inputs, but then I won't have space for the LEDs that indicate what the player has pressed. So I moved the buttons to the analog inputs so that my LEDs light up.

Check out the connection corrections I made.
Buttons were not connected correctly, and the resistor values are off.

Also, value checks on analog buttons should not be HIGH, better to use >500.

I fixed buttons B1 and B2 and they work.

Modify the others accordingly.

Did you make a copy of my code?

Did I not tell you to make a copy of my code?

pinMode( PlayerNum1, INPUT_PULLUP);
and button connected to GND, pull-up resistors are not necessary.
When the button is pressed
Button1 <500

It's your fault you didn't create a copy yourself and shared the copy.