
Are you using vers 9.0 or 10.0? I need this info to fix the bug

9.0, and the problem is evident when you look in the block definition.

restart the site and it should work

That's better!
(though (steps - (steps x 2)) is basically (0 - steps))

Dev Logs (*Restart to view updates*)
  • Fixed 'move steps backward' bug
  • Added think and say
  • Added run blocks


Special News!

ArcadeS! V2 is being developed! It will be moved to another project
Enjoy ArcadeS! V1 before the project gets deleted. I noticed ArcadeS! isn't getting much fame lately.

why would you delete it?

It's not being deleted, just moved to another project.
The update is so cool it needs to be remade from

! (See what I did there?)