Anyway to use Snap on Android?

Hi guys, I would like to know if there is any way I can use properly Snap (offline or online, it doesnt matter) on Android. My computer is older and always freezing, so the only way to use Snap its on Android. But whatever browser I use on Android, Snap is very small, cant zoom in, rotate image, etc.

Any clues?


We're working on improving the user experience on Android with a native app. Right now, you can run your projects in presentation mode same as on a computer, and that works pretty well. But, as you say, the screen is too small for editing.

It's not Snap!, but is a Scratch-family language with a different user interface designed specifically for phones.

Snap! runs fine on Android tablets as of 5.0, thanks to the new input method by swiperthefox. Phone screens are too small, though.

I think you'll find that Catrobat is very different from Snap!. It's a cool language, but it isn't live and doesn't have support for any of the CS concepts that Snap! takes pride on (first class everything, lists of lists, lambda, etc).

There is talk (so far just talk) of inventing the grand unification of Catrobat, Snap!, and App Inventor, someday.

Sorry for answering just now. I was unable to answer, I dont know why.

Anyway, thanks for the tips and answers here.

Sometimes I can run projects fine on my Android phone and sometimes Chrome crashes. I recently raised this as an issue. I'm repeating it here in case someone has a workaround or suggestion:

Snap! produces "Aw, Snap!" in Chrome Android

Sometimes this happens while loading a project. Sometimes everything works for a few minutes. And yet I'm not doing anything different yet it crashes at different points in the execution. I did notice that it works somewhat better after a reboot.

Even with remote debugging there is no error message or clue why this is happening.

Anyone have a clue how to work around this?

Chrome 80; Android 8.1; Nexus 5

Ken, this is likely to be an issue with the new Chrome architectural changes introduced since last summer. The good news is that I'm making good progress with a new Morphic architecture for Snap that makes Snap! run much more stable and also load large projects much faster especially on mobile devices and computers with low memory resources. So, this will be solved in v6 coming this summer, hopefully in time for Snap!Con20 Berkeley!