I'm afraid my math is not going to work, so I need help.
The details of the problem are shown in the image below. The block is from the official Animation library.
I'm afraid my math is not going to work, so I need help.
The details of the problem are shown in the image below. The block is from the official Animation library.
I think this is what you mean:
The main thing is that the condition you're testing has to be a predicate, not a Boolean, because you're testing it repeatedly. But also, you might as well use WAIT UNTIL to wait until the condition no longer holds.
Yes, that's exactly what I was aiming for, but I couldn't figure it out on my own.
Thank you for pointing out that the condition does not automatically (I know what I am gonna say is terribly unscientific) "refresh" itself; it needs to be called in order to do so.
Your solution was put to work in the project below, a remix of the original one made by fridolinux.
When you stop the project, it says
cannot operate on a deleted sprite
But I like it!
Thanks, warped_wart_wars.
If you liked this one, you may like the Bernat Romagosa's 'Snow' remix, as well.