Among Us Animation (Part 1)

i can do image editing btw


Sushi Foxi has a problem logging into her account

wait why?

She had made a new one cause her old one was acting up

oh mkay.

Hm weird

oh- mkay thanks Kumi.

I'm back guyyyyyzzz!!!

@super_artist shure, but idk what you can help with

welcome back friend


Not done with Black yet.

I am already working on Among Us sprites, sushi is backdrop maker, however, can you draw Cafeteria?

ok __


hey @funtime_foxy101 Someone's mooching off your topic

how is the animation is going? (im here 2 motivate ya :~D)
i can also do art's going well, but @sushi-llama hasn't been on in a long time, so I haven't been making much progress... :(

eck I'm on right now, I just haven't heard from you!

and I have been busy on making a website

0.o oh wow....XD as soon as I @mentioned you.
Imma need a better version of:
@super_artist's cafeteria, for example, it's missing the button and the checkered flooring.

Mkay, I'll start on it!