Actual Negative Effect in Built-in Graphic Effects

Currently, the negative graphic effect, when used at a value of 100, makes it not actual negative, but rather an ugly negative effect:
Stage (2)

Now, I created a custom block that allows you to change how the negative effect works:
untitled script pic (11)

(to use it, drag and drop the block to the Snap! editor)
Run the block with JS enabled, and use the negative effect and you'll get the following result:
Stage (3)

Actual negative, right?

You may use it whatever you want.

By the way the image used is my OC.

Project link: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

WHERE THE FART IS THE PROJECT TO TEST IT (putting this so it doesnt give that annoying error)

Done. Check the link at post #1.

Try a value around 200. It doesn't look as ugly, but I'm not sure about the values for complete inversion.

Also, why not programmatically mess with costumes and build operators? You could build a block that inverts the colors pixel by pixel.

But this is slower and time-consuming. My JS function seems to allow inverting colors faster than usual. Also, I want to make this as a graphic effect, not a costume.


untitled script pic

Snavanced! has the correct negative effect with the "Color" function ".negative()". :blush:

this is better if you dont want people to go inside your project because theres javascript