About the ability to get an image of a block with its result

use remove.bg if you wanna remove the background (if thats what youre asking)


URL about:config


dom.events.testing.asyncClipboard = true

and browser restart.

that's a sierpinski triangle

Thank you @equilibrium . It works. but if you want the original size, you have to sign in...

Thank you @dardoro . I tried it. It doesn't work. I still have a background.

Hi @herodooble2. Here is an old project about Sierpinski triangle. You can use it if you want.

Sorry for not being clear enough, it's about copying to the clipboard :wink:

But you know "result pic..." function?
For me, result has a transparent background.
untitled script pic (41)

Oh, I see. Thanks !

Hi @ego-lay_atman-bay

I asked a question on the forums a long time ago about how to CTRL-C from reporters, and your [send _ to clipboard] block helped me out. I can't find that thread, but since it's a common question I was able to find this other thread where you provided it. (Maybe it should become a standard Snap! feature?)

I was in class today, and all the windows students were able to use it no problem, 2 out of 3 mac students were no problem, but 1 mac student had the following bizarre behavior: first use of the [send _ to clipboard] block worked, and allowed copy/pasting out a 20-digit BIGNUM. But all subsequent attempts to use the block to send a different BIGNUM to clipboard didn't do anything, pasting elsewhere still had the first number coming out of the clipboard.

Any idea how to explain/fix this problem?

That's just apple being apple. I don't know how to fix it. Browser comparability is the main reason why it's not in snap (I think I read somewhere that jens would love to put it in, but due to how differently browsers and oses handle it, it won't be added. Don't quote me on this.).

Also, here's the more up to date versions of the blocks

Yes, I did create a javascript extension for the javascript functions, but it does fall back to just the javascript functions in snap (if it can't load my url, e.g. if it's blocked). The only reason I did that is because I have a userscript that automatically whitelists my extension url, so I don't have to turn on javascript extensions to run the block (it's only for me, everyone else has to turn on javascript, unless they create a userscript to whitelist the url).

Edit: actually, I think I'm gonna look into it tomorrow and see if I can get the blocks to work more reliably in different browsers.


If you happen to make updates within 24h (no pressure!) I could take them up for class on Fri.

The userscript/whitelist thing -- will I (or anybody) be able to get full use out of that better block if they turn javascript extensions on? Or is a whitelist necessary for the first part that tries to run javascript from your github.io?

The whitelist is just so I don't have to turn on javascript extensions. You can still use the extension url without a whitelist, but you do need to turn on javascript extensions.

The javascript code in the second bit is there as a fallback if the url is blocked or fails to load.