A Snap! Mod Idea (Part 3)

I'm not sure. I think it was a .png, but I'd have to go to the Minecraft wiki where I got it. (It's an isometric view of a warped wart block, that I chose after I chose WarpedWartWars as my nickname.)

Edit: It's a .png. This is it:

Edit 2: And it was happening with all Scratch profile pics that I tested.

[offtopic]Do you know the song Du Hast by Rammstein?[/offtopic]

No, sorry, why?

PS I don't know why you'd get that error message from a png. Maybe somebody smarter than I will reply...

In nothing smarter .. but I try to comment on something ..

It is not a "png" issue, it's about CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

Firs of all, I guess you see the "workaround" (the IDE message point to this). Just download those pictures to your computer, and then, upload them to Snap! with no problems.

And why? Because you are "dragging and dropping" a resource from another domain, and if that domain has not CORS allowed (this is the case), you can't do this (do programmatic things with content of other domains in your domain). It is a security feature (to prevent phishing attacks)

This issue can appear by doing other actions (with sounds, using the url block ...). We need to know about this, and about "using directly" web content.

Another thing (we can think about this) is about our forum CORS. We will do (think about) it!


Hi, Joan.

Oh, right, now that I re-read the error message I see that it does say "cross-origin." I was too focused on "tainted," which has a special meaning for vector pictures.


It's (currently) my favorite song. (My favorite song used to be the Wellerman sea shanty, and I still hum it all the time.)

I mentioned pyblocks, a Snap!-inspired interface to Python that I would make in the future:

I'm wondering where I could post a (temporary) topic for it.

I have an Idea for a music maker collab but because of Snap!'s extreme lag, it would probably lag out when 10% of it is done.

What does that have to do with Text-Based Snap! or pyblocks?

music in general.

I was asking @bh that. Do you know it?

I'm going to see if I can remove the sprite editing things. And then debug (probably) a lot. So it probably won't be working for now.

Edit: Except I'm currently looking at scratcharchive.asun.co too much, so it'll be delayed.


I've started.

It currently looks like this:

Which means I made the script editor in the right place and the right size. I'll leave it as it is until tomorrow.

Sprite's give some form of modularity. Now all your scripts must fit into a single scripts area.

... that's theoretically infinite in extent. I should probably make a way to go to a particular spot on the script editor.

Where's the code that tells the stage to be a StageMorph? It isn't in gui.js.


IDE_Morph.prototype.createStage = function () {
    if (this.stage) {
    this.stage = this.scene.stage;

Nowhere in that is new StageMorph.