8-dot braille

Snap! 7.0.3 - Build Your Own Blocks

Just a list of 8-dot braille characters.

Cool. But what do they mean?

I believe people who can't see touch them and read something via touch. That's why you see them on some signs in a building.

By the way, 8-dot braille is actually called computer braille.

I know what Braille is. I'm just wondering what each one represents.

Here's a website I found that has a chart for the special characters Computer Braille in UEB and NUBS you do have to scroll down a lot to get to it. All the letters are the same as in 6-dot braille.

Yep! 6-dot braille was invented by, IIRC, Louis Braille. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

That's correct. Just W isn't in the french language, so it was added when braille came to the english language, and that's why it doesn't follow the pattern.

Ah. (BTW I had to go help a neighbor put his TV on a thing.)


I just added part of a conscript I made with 8-dot braille.