55.05 Megabyte Project, on SnapCloud!

you should

yeah but im debating on whether i should use a replit server or a repeating mqtt server

I think im gonna do the latter because using replit is boring for something like this and you dont get much joy out of making it

and yes, it is possible to make an mqtt server act like a replit one, @joecooldoo did it with Project: SnapDevelopmentFeed

its easily hackable though

ok, ill have ways to fix that.

how exactly
anyone can fake requests

what im think about doing is have an uptimerobot robot stay on an auto-running snap project and ping it every 5 minutes which would be the server which would hold all the info. and then another one which you would run which would be the client.

ill figure something out

that's what I did
but its still hackable
via faking responces

yes, i know this

yeesh i was just trying to make that clear


soooo this failled