This library is intended for those interested in creating games and simulations programming at the pixel level using a virtual 16x23 led matrix display.
The sprite "16x23_library" implements the library code.
The sprite "your_code" is where you write your program. This sprite includes a very simple demo using the 5 library blocks available (see below).
- bri: pixel brightness (-100 to 100).
- col: pixel color (-2 to 200, -2 = off, -1 = white).
- trans: transparent sprite (1 if transparent, 0 it not).
- h: sprite/block height (rows).
- m: sprite list index (0 to 25 for built-in sprites).
- n: pixel number (0 to 367).
- w: sprite/block width (columns).
- x: pixel/block/sprite left column (0 to 22).
- y: pixel/block/sprite top row (0 to 15).
- bc: background color of the sprite (if not transparent).
- bb: background brightness of the sprite (if not transparent).
- x0: first sprite column plotted (1 to 4).
- xn: sprite columns plotted (1 to 4).
- v: if set to 1, the list "display" is used to select the color of each pixel in a block of pixels.
- display: a list to store the color of each pixel that will be used if a block of pixels is plotted with the parameter "v" set to 1.
- init: create and show the display (call first).
- plot_n (n, col, bri): plot a pixel given its number n.
- plot_xy (x, y, col, bri): plot a pixel given its coordinates x and y.
- plot_b (x, y, w, h, col, bri, v): plot a block of pixels.
- plot_s (x, y, m, h, col, bri, trans, bc, bb , x0, xn): plot a sprite stored in the "_ sprites _" private list.
Built-in sprites (in order):
- Hexadecimal digits (0 to F).
- Decimal digits (0 to 9) with two columns (x0=3 and xn=2).
You can add your own sprites changing manually the "_ sprites _" private list. The rows must be encoded as a string of lowercase hexadecimal digits (as many digits as rows).
I will add examples of programs written using this library to my collection "16x23 Pixel Display". Your contribution to this collection would be most welcome.
I hope you will find this library useful.
Kind regards,
Javier (Mr. Piay)