Undertale battle simulator!

frisk is yellow lollllll

I dont really care if you make them or not but I want the sprites like here:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/119165826/

look inside the project

Scratch is blocked for me

wait you got unblocked???

ohhhh ummm that may be a problem

no you can still look at projects and look inside tho

no her computer admin blocked it so she cant even go on scratch

My admin blocked it I meant.

no I mean you can still get on it tho if you are banned

Not me.

ik not you and that's the problem...

ok lol I gotta work on the code my self then

eh ima hold this off and help you guys with among us

Yeah, I have some Among Us Sprites....


awwww, well ima work on among us once it opens

ummmm I would have lots of songs but its gonna get laggy, start with really any undertale boss song just look it up and save it please

ooo ok well do what you have to then im not very good with the music

oh ok better Idea