uh oops
Oh no it’s fine, I just saw my name and was confused. Probably just a misunderstanding.
I was just joking about -1
I think I'll actually go with Sky.
Oh sorry, I thought it was approval voting.
Edit: I revoked two of the three votes.
Do you guys really want 3d?
Buuuut it would be supra computational intensitive and I'll have to do it most in javascript and that wont count as totm
anyways it could be 3d if you guys can do that and bh does not mind about redundant totms
you don't need javascript to do 3d, i have a 3d cube that runs perfectly fine
you're overthinking the requirements for 3d and underthinking the clever things you can do in snap for fast rendering
if an atari 2600 can draw a stretchy filled cube then snap can do much more
(this was an old project and not mine)
I'll still go with clones
omfg can you PLEASE stop talking about javascript??
And also, its not just you who will attempt thr totm!
3D sounds nice.
3D +1
@bh today is the last day of 10,10/30
11's totm would be 3d
Monday is 10/31. Tuesday begins November.
wait 10 has 31 days?whaaaa?
i thought that it had 30
1,3,5,7,8,10,12 are 30 and 4 6 9 11 are 31
2 has sometimes 29 and sometimes 30
just checked it out.
turns out that its wrong to learn quadratic solving when everyone else is learning calenders(i.e not listening to math class)
The TOTM is Books!A little upset about the vote result(the 4th is used rather than the 1st or 2nd) but we will do it!
ps:what should i make aside from drawing a book?last month i could make a gravity simulator but what about this month?
yeah people don't really like being pinged for no real reason
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