To create snap block extention for turbowarp

I agree. Snap! Does have stuff that scratch does not do!

I see the lambda block, but there's no CALL or RUN, let alone HOFs, so the lambda isn't so useful. (And there should be a reporter version of lambda.) (And formal parameters!)

there is run,but i cant get it to work
the lambda is reporter,but it doesnt have parameters

Oh, I missed it. Which category is it in?

It’s in control. You have to drag the lambda into the run block to run it.

I'm pretty sure (from what I remember when looking at it) it's called "execute". It does nothing though. Lambdas are obviously a work in progress, and are currently not functional (because it doesn't report anything yet).

It works, you just need a hat block above it

It does work, you just need to put it under a hat block and then run the hat block

The best use for them is when you use a custom block you can use them as inputs

Ah, ok.