Timer problem

4878 pages of published projects. But no, those early Snap! projects were born in Snap!. I don't think we copied BYOB projects over en masse. Where it might be findable is in the archived BYOB thread from the Scratch forum.

Yes, I made a mistake. It's 73162 projects.

Where's that?

Good question. At one time I had it on my computer, but apparently not any more. Maybe the Wayback Machine has it... Or maybe I can dig up an old computer. :~/ Or maybe @tjvr has a copy?

I did find a Snap! topic in the Wayback Machine, probably from the Scratch Wiki. I'll check my history.

Edit: the Wayback Machine one; the current one.

Good job. It might also be in the Snap! Team Development Discussion. But both of those threads included a lot of side topics, so there are bazillions of pages to search.

Wow, amazing that Scratch is still keeping those threads alive. I've just wasted a lot of time rereading old conversations. :~)

But those threads aren't old enough; they're about Snap!. In there somewhere is a reference to an old BYOB3 thread; that's what you have to find.


That was aspirational on my part.


I wanted Tim to do it for Snap!.


I handed it to Andrew Sun: https://scratcharchive.asun.co/

Thanks, Tim!

Boy, I'm having a great time rereading those early posts... but I haven't found the multiple timers project yet... stay tuned... (or search yourself!) ("Yourself" = WWW, not Tim. :~P)

Okay, here you go:


I scrolled down to that post. So it was fullmoon. Do you know if they're on these forums?

I don't think so; I haven't heard from him since forever.

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