Stuck again

that first part just gives me an error "expecting number instead of text, because what it's doing is taking a list of properties already defined and replacing the blank list with a random selection of one of these.

 (([0] [Air]  @delInput @addInput :: list ) ([1] [Wall]  @delInput @addInput :: list ) ([2] [Door]  @delInput @addInput :: list ) ([3] [Secret] @delInput @addInput :: list ) @delInput @addInput :: list ) 

And what that is doing if it does work is not randomise every cell with the number of that key but picking say, 2 and adding that to the end.

Honestly I have no clue what you're trying to do, and my guessing doesn't seem to be it. Would it be possible to show a sample of the data, and show the code you're using?

If you want to learn how to write snapblocks, you can refer to this.

The first post has that info.

I did. For some reason, the @'s refused to work wherever I put them, hence the? and ?? at the end.

Oh, that's cause they're case sensitive, so the input has to be capitalized (come to think of it, maybe I should just make them case insensitive).

Probably, but that makes sense. I did notice that while reading the syntax page. I just didn't think to check. Whoops.

Maybe not? That didn't seem to work right? Nevermind. Uncapitalised the A and D... that's... odd, but yeah, got it.

So I just spent way too long whipping up an example level lol, but then realised I couldn't bring csv into the forum, for good reason.

Instead you get this ridiculously oversized png instead. "Yay"

So, what are we seeing here? We're seeing the same level loaded in two different ways, and yes, I wrote the CSV manually, because I'm out of my mind lol.

What I'm TRYING to do is build a tile editor, so, for example, on the stage you'll see the pink version, and the game itself will just see the data, load it, and then fire off a ray. Every wall with the number 1 will be a wall with an assigned texture, every number 2 is a door that can be opened, and every door marked with a 3 is a combination of 1 and 2, as in it looks just like a wall, but operates kind of like a door, but instead of opening side by side, in wolf, it moves back two tiles.

Once I get that working, I can add the second layer, which is much larger, but for example, the first four examples would be office furniture, decorations, in wolf3D this was called the "Thing Plane" and was loaded after the level, but before gameplay. These were all sprites with multiple viewing angles and transparency effects, making the world look like an actual used space, instead of what it was, a list of lists.

 (([4] [Desk] @delInput @addInput :: list)([5] [Light Fixture] @delInput @addInput :: list)([6] [Tree] @delInput @addInput :: list)([7] [Barrel] @delInput @addInput :: list) @delInput @addInput :: list

The Problem I'm having, is, probably self inflicted, like most of my problems, but I'm trying to make a blank level variable that can be changed by clicking on the stage... but for reasons beyond my knowledge, I just can't do it. Iunno what I'm missing.

Anyway, I'm rambling... good luck figuring this nonsense out. Swearing I missed a wall in the csv... whoops. sigh LOL

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