So.. Snap! has 3D now :)

I saw them as bushes.

Yeah, you kinda have to do some messing around to get the colors to be set correctly.

Doesn't work for me unfortunately D:

everything was normal for me

There was another attempt at this which I had scrapped.

@bromagosa Just a suggestion: Can you make each sprite be a different beetle, just like each sprite is a different turtle?

I would very much enjoy that. Would definitely make Multiplayer 3D Games easier to make.


Its confusing that the whole stage has one Beetle, so I agree with you. It would also make drawing things with one Beetle less memory-exhaustive, perhaps.

That is a great idea.

On the topic of 3D games, these blocks might be a neat feature to have.
I was too lazy to fill in the menus but they should be in the definitions
3dbeetle2 script pic

Billboards would be unique. Thing is, if there's only one Beetle for the stage, would that mean that only one sprite would have a whole category of costumes and only that sprite can make billboards with only their costumes?

It would be a thing both later and probably if multiple sprites are allowed to be beetles.

the code is very chaotic but well done

thanks, i made it while working on an art project


In other words, say this is the billboard.
Billboard Model

This billboard follows the camera no matter where you're at.



Think of it as a baby in a shopping cart - always staring you down, no matter what.

Modeled in Blockbench

ah, ok

Honestly, just have a non-3d sprite be in a position and check if its somehow behind a wall or something using variables to record its position and if it's too far away from the player's position it would disappear, as if behind a wall

The tree one dosent work

why did i get a ping for this