
anyone can just edit the block and remove the blacklist. Hopefully the user's browser or vpn blocks the malicious website.

That is a point, but us snappers should be respectful to one and others not to put people on rude or harmful websites.

Yes,but there will always be a person with bad intent

if you find a project that directs you to a bad website, report the project.

Updates 2.3

Minor scripting updates to stay up to date with Snap! 's version.

Download 2.3

Should I make a website for SnapV? I mostly feel like it.
Wait where did the polls go?

I chose yes

I have hosted a site! @
The same style of snapforks' site

Interesting.. :slight_smile:

I see...currently only the download link,so you are planning to add more?

yes, there is also a issue page and a credit page

Use SnapV quicker online!


Wow! Good job!

It is the file code that snap can read.

Thank you :relaxed: