Serious Bug in Blocks

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so it get problem- bigg :neutral_face:

I don't understand what you're saying.

Neither do I.

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Check @earthrulerr and @warped_wart_wars

That fixes but why does it happen in the first place without us pressing hide?

I think, you did it by accident- haven't even seen it :relaxed:

I checked, and this is what I got:

what if you scroll up. I see that the scroll bar is close to the bottom.

Then, I get this:

that's weird. I'm gonna download snap, and see if I can reproduce it.

It could be that I was making a mod of Snap! called SnapIO, with the entire right side of the screen as a text editor, and you could write to it and read from it in your program.

I checked the Chrome Developer Tools, and it said that my regular Snap! was getting things from the folder with SnapIO stuff.

yeah, that could be it. Try a clean download. I wasn't able to reproduce it, so...

Getting a fresh download...

Edit: It still doesn't work. I'll just have to use the online version for now.

(5 months later)

I found out that the problem isn't Snap!, but that

It wasn't writing the Snap! files right.

After 5 months... time is needed to find cause of error for some things :upside_down_face:

What about the other people who have experienced it?

IDK what you'll have to do. It's possible this:

might help you.

(earthrulerr fixed it by that.)