Ridiculous problem I have


I somewhat agree.
Snap has everything u need(but to be basic. Everything u need just within a large, yet limiting limit.)
Javascript in its' pure form just expand it.
Also: i only use js to mess with custom objects and play with the properties of sprites, rings, etc.

Ok also bc some people here i am sure at least one has only used js in snap: they are mentally making a joke to tell you to make every primitive js (i guess?) has and put it in snap. That would be really funny if you ACTUALLY did that.

In effect we've done that with the JSFunction block.

It's not so annoying when people write JSFunction one-liners to make a desired JS function available to their Snap! project. Several of our libraries do that. What's annoying is when people write their entire program inside a JSFunction, using JS control structures instead of Snap! ones.

yeah especially when someone uses for of loops in JS which doesn't get supported in ES5 but we have that

[scratchblocks] for ((i)::list) in list (list()@delInput@addInput::list){ }::list [/scratchblocks]

as primitive! plus it is supported even in es5.

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