Racers API

You need to use " instead of '. Look what happens when I replace them:

(This is a Snap! version.)

Basically, what joecooldoo said, JSON requires " not '. I'm quite frustrated with Python and Flask. I'm still trying to figure out a way to fix this. For now, make a function, I guess, that replaces all ' with ".

also a good name would be CodeRacing


I'm to lazy to play the game so i'ma make a grind script

Too late to change the name. Literally, everything already has the name "Racers API " on it. So it's a keeper. Sorry.

Go right ahead!

This shouldn't be happening if you're using json.dumps. I think that you were using str(dict_object) the last time I checked, which I don't know about

Because your username gives no indication as to your gender, which in the 2000s is good, and I guess it's more of an adult's name?

I have tried @programmer_user's solution to use json.dumps(). The reason why it doesn't work is that it then re-quotes everything with a ". I, unfortunately, cannot fix this. You have to find a way to remove all ' and replace them with ". I suggest trying the slice method.

It's not exactly a good thing to ask that on the Internet. If you noticed it, then don't comment on it as others, including the good and bad people, may try to abuse this information. Even me, I did not even notice that.

Why is that a bad thing? It produces standard-compliant JSON.

The ' remains though. So now you have '" (sometimes). On top of that, it quotes the whole thing so "{"hello":"world"}". That won't work.

Eh. I don't really feel like building the docs.

That's fine.