Pen down / pen up


I remember something, interpolation means that a curve can be made with many tiny lines that are connected with invisible dots of reference. It means that a small length of something can be joined with another ones to construct a smooth thing. The curves in sculptures are not perfect, these are made with calculating the lines step by step to get the final shape with being smoother when adding more lines. :~)

why not use bezier

Bezier curves uses the same concept, but using polynomials and the lerp function instead
of linear functions like when you are multiplicating a constant with a variable as dyadic. :open_mouth:

svg's use them and turning bitmap into svg is the goal

The "outline" contains coordinates of outer points of the shape.
You can use them directly as a parameters to SVG:polygon, or process it -
detect straight lines to reduce the number of points, or roll the sliding window of the 4 element to generate the bezier curve.

i dont understand

Updated project - outline points rendered as a SVG:polygon
outline trace script pic (1)

oh wow. thats a major help for the final project i think

now somehow the rest