I mean, honestly, we're trying to attract artists, athletes, musicians, and math-fobes to computing, but we're only successful with the usual crowd of narcissistic hackers on the spectrum. I hate my life.
You know that might be the problem. Art and music in the computing industry has been predominantly hackers for decades and the underlying culture behind it is the art of hacking.
Like, I've been using computers for decades now and feven before I stared using them, the drive of the industry was "how do I make THIS do THAT?" from the AMIGAAAA days to John Carmack fitting Quake on a 486, something that shouldn't have been possible and yet, it did.
That drives the whole "but can it run doom" phenomenon, because doom ran on really primitive tech and now everything has a chip that's far more powerful than anything that was state of the art in 1992. Even pregnancy tests have chips, and yes, someone put doom on one, because they could.
Now you're teaching everyone to code, but because the industry is primarily built on hacking, what you're seeing is that bleed over from that, and people take that mentality into everything and even though you're teaching everyone how to code, once they leave snap and start learning javascript or c or rust or whichever and then want to start experimenting and they know snap, so they start hacking into snap! because that's the norm?
Like, the thing that blew MY mind after Quake, was The Product, which fit an 11 Minute music video into 65536 bytes of code and the way they did it was reducing everything down to math, and they did that with a visual language that stacked everything together, not quite like scratch, because scratch didn't exist yet. (and may have inspired scratch, based on timing.... maaaybe, probably not)
They released their source code in 2012 in C++ and much like Quake being written in C for a 486, it was text and I just got LOST.
I'd given up on coding until I discovered snap, but the hack it into pieces until it kind of works methodology is still very much the industry as a whole. How do you fix that? Can you fix that?
The solution I want to try is to extend snap, primarily because it's block based and I understand it, until I can use it as a rosetta stone to understand text code, because otherwise I get nowhere, and eventually I want to write my own language, but for now, I have snap! and very little else, because the industry is designed to hack things into pieces and reshape it as necessary.