List of numbers all distincts

This is exactly what I need ! Thank you @dardoro !

So here is my permutation block :

Since ⍳N is the same function as NUMBERS FROM 1 TO N, I think you should pick one and use it in both slots. I spent a little time scratching my head about whether there was some subtle difference I wasn't getting!

This way, the distinction between the input array and the composition of the cross product is more obvious.

More general use for variations: "n" elements out of an m-element set.
untitled script pic - 2022-04-01T005511.447

You shouldn't use a list to make a same list
and no enormous list of unnamed variables

All this is tempting me to post the Simplex lock problem again!

Oh ! Thank you @bh for your vigilance ! Of course, this is illogical !
I changed it in order to make it more homogeneous.

I wrote an article about Matrix computations with Snap*!*. This is here and have to be completed with permutations and signatures.
Calcul matriciel avec Snap*!*
With "Un théorème d’algèbre linéaire en prime ;-)".

I have a presentation on next wednesday (the 6th) at the IREM de la Réunion (depends on the University) about matrix algebra.
When it will be done, I will share my keynote here.


Here are all the informations needed to access to the IREM presentation Calcul matriciel avec Snap*!* which will take place on wednesday (10h30 am at the Reunion Island : GMT +4 Indian/Reunion) :
Séminaire IREM de mercredi 6 avril 2022.
Calcul matriciel avec Snap! et sa librairie APL
LIEN ZOOM pour assister au séminaire

You will find it now at the foot of the article I wrote about matrix computations with Snap*!*.

Excellent. An opportunity for me to practice my technical French. :~)

Snap! 7 permet la création de nouvelles catégories de blocs : la catégorie `Matrix tools`

French is close enough to English that, with no one having ever taught me, I can understand that–literally

Snap! 7 permits the creation of new categories of blocks: the category `Matrix tools`

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