Is there a way I can help Snap developers?

i suck at coding at the moment(i'm more of a tester)but maybe i can share ideas quick question-whats that site about?

Nope. is someone else. You mean

Yep i meant that!(And sorry for last night Mr.Harvey!I was confused and upset because of what was happening...everyone i know is confused and upset still)

Sure. Or, yeah, make a PR.

... but that's one of the things specifically disallowed in our ToS.

So, it looks like you made a PR that added three names of backgrounds to the file with names, but you didn't include the actual pictures.

Maybe putting files on Drive is a better idea...

Oh wait if the background images are supported within snap why not have @coder2195snap send them to you via a private message?

@coder2195snap the way to help the moderators is to not act like we can chat about whatever(though i am definitely not one to say this,considering i get upset and confused and trail off from trying to stay on topic)whenever...and 100%not to go "snap is better than scratch blah blah blah"
And I'm gonna tell you this-Snap and glitch are not the same community

(I feel like i am making scratch want to remove it by saying this for only using them for it, but

It is a great sound snd photo editor, or at least, it has more editing tools than the snap editor

Snap! doesn't even have a sound editor. (though it might in the future)

Hi, welcome to the Snap! community, but you're answering a six-month-old thread. I think all the participants in this thread have moved on...

Yeah, this is old, but I think its a cool idea to help Snap! grow. I like to make small ringtone-type sounds and I enjoy making them. ESPECIALLY since I can connect my piano to my laptop and play on my keyboard to make songs. Personnaly, I think there should be a whole CATEGORY for contributing!

Yeah, can you make a forum category called "contributions"

catagory? im not a mod...

I meant bh.

oh ok.

Umm. I guess Computer Science isn't where this belongs for sure.

Something like a sound editor, done in Snap!, as a library, would be awesome. It should be possible, since you can get the samples of a sound.

Honestly, though, I'd be reluctant to set up a Contributions category, because I'm afraid people would take that as an active solicitation of contributions and/or a promise to adopt any library people create. In fact we've hardly ever brought user-written libraries into the official collection. For example, there are a whole bunch of support packages for various robots at, mostly by Connor (a kid at the time), and we list them on our site, but they're not libraries, mostly because they all require installing an additional piece of software outside of Snap! that actually runs the robot, and also because robot specs are prone to change over time, so we don't want to promise that you can just click "import" and your robot will work. (The two that we do have are special cases and both are, I think, about to be removed, for two different reasons, not interesting.)

Bignums is a library written by a user (Dylan, a kid at the time) because I asked for it. There are a couple of one-block or two-block libraries from users; I think catch errors and parallelization may be examples, but my memory is a little vague. And multi-branch conditionals were invented by the legendary Nathan less than a week into the launch of BYOB3.

But all the rest are from the staff.

So, yes, by all means, help the community by writing libraries, but don't do it so that you'll get your name in the credits. Think of that as an unlikely outcome.

Replying to myself. Here's another idea for a library: It's really easy to graph a function in Snap!:

but this is missing many details to make it really useful: labelled axes, automatic scaling on the y axis, user-controlled scaling on the x axis (because I don't see how the program can figure out the useful domain of a function), plotting multiple functions in different colors, all the sort of things you'd expect from graphing a function in a spreadsheet or in Mathematica.

I made a longer version that preserves the position and penstate of the caller (couldn't think of a better word):