We've told you multiple times: they don't work. MQTT doesn't work that way. What you are doing is you are sending a message (let's use a slip of paper as an analogy), and sending it to a server online. That server reads that message, and keeps it till you access it.
Once you send another message, that previous message goes away. That piece of paper gets thrown into the recycling. It's gone.
I believe that @codegang project doesn't work properly but with MQTT if someone publishes a message to a broker and sets it to be retained (remembered), then anyone subscribing to that message will be given a copy of it.
Until the message is overwritten by a new message.
The basic use of MQTT in Snap! lets you send a message to a broker on a particular topic and then that broker will forward the message onto other programs running on other computers subscribing to the same topic on the same broker.
The converse is true, someone can send a message to a broker on a particular topic from another program (libraries are available for all the usual programming languages) and Snap! can subscribe to that topic and receive a mes…