How to make custom icons/commands in comments and posts

Hello! It's me again, back with another tutorial!

In today's tutorial, I will show you how to make custom icons or commands in comments.

(Just a word of notice: You should get into the habit of using the <> keys and the / key to make these commands. Also, when you make a command, you should start with <COMMAND> and end with </COMMAND>)

You can just quote a comment in hopes of getting the HTML code to make the icon/command.

Size Text commands

You can use the commands "<big> THIS IS SOME BIG TEXT </big>" and "<small> this is some small text </small>"

Here's how the commands should look like when you put the stuff together:
this is some small text

You can even go smaller by using more <small></small> commands in more <small></small> commands.

WOAH! That's a bit too close to the screen!


Key Commands.

You can use the <kbd></kbd> commands to make custom keys.
Like this:

HTML Text commands

You can use common HTML commands to make text bolded. This is useless but a keen thing to know for sure. ;D

For example, <b> Hello this text is bold </b> becomes Hello this text is bold . It is useless because you have the "B" button that represents "Bold" up at the top but it's cool to use.

Also, on Snap!, to italicize letters and characters, you need '', but if you are doing the Snap! logo, and italicizing the !, it won't work. So instead, use <i> and </i> to italicize your characters and letters.

With Snap's Italicizing System: Snap'!'
With `: Snap!

By "comments" do you mean editor comments?

No posts like this one

I don't think those are called comments anywhere in this forum.

Messing around with HTML in the reply box and I learned you can also do tables as well!

Common Languages Block Languages Esoteric Languages
JavaScript Snap! Befunge
C++ Scratch GolfScript
    <th>Common Languages</th>
    <th>Block Languages</th>
    <th>Esoteric Languages</th>

<table></table> is what surrounds it.
<tr></tr> means to make a new row for the table.
<th></th> is a header for the table.
<td></td> is just normal table text.

There's dropdowns too Fun fact: <details> and <summary> are actually vanilla HTML elements.
     <summary>There's dropdowns too</summary>
     Fun fact: &lt;details&gt; and &lt;summary&gt; are actually vanilla HTML elements.

Some form stuff works, although you can't do much with it because most properties are filtered out: Nevermind, everything except dropdowns get filtered out which is sad.

Buttons! <button>Buttons!</button>

Textboxes <input></input>

Dropdowns (sadly, you can't really add any options because no attributes) <select><option value="egg">egg</option></select>


There's also <ruby> which allows you to put text above text.

but it looks cool so I'm showing it here.I think this is supposed to be for showing pronounciations of non-English words,
There's also &lt;ruby&gt; <rt>which allows you to put text above text.</rt>
but it looks cool so I'm showing it here.<rt>I think this is supposed to be for showing pronounciations of non-English words,</rt>

this is basically becoming an HTML showcase topic at this point isn't it?

This may or may not work though.

woah it works
test small test e

youtube link test
Dang it, the <a href=""></a> command doesn't work!

How about the <button> command?
Button test!
Dang it, it only works in the comment editor.

Setting a title DANG IT IT DOESN'T WORK!!!


1 2 3 4 5

(post deleted by author)

If you do Snap*!*, it should make the exclamation point italic but it doesn't: Snap*!*. If you use <i>!</i>, it does work: Snap!.

Hang on, let me try:
Auf wiedersehen![ahwf vee-dur-zien]


why would setting a tittle work...?
edit: bruh
this is a picture of the button lol

I don't know what you're talking about.
You can also press Ctrl+K to make a link.