How do I sense what morph the mouse is on?

ok, well, I haven't tested the new code.

can you please find a way to add symbols (I mean the green flag on the when green flag clicked block, and the icons one the turn left and right blocks, etc.)?

you can already select icons.

happened when I put my mouse on the green flag from the when green flag clicked block.

don't forever loop it. Do something like

it also seems to crash in fullscreen

that doesn't work, the same error happens.

I just realized you were talking about the green flag on the when flag clicked block. I thought you were talking about the green flag for the project. I tested it out, and yeah, it does throw an error.

This way you can get a string representation of the object tree with some "hints".

GreenFlag flag:PushButtonMorph:Morph:IDE_Morph:
ScriptArea ScriptsMorph:ScrollFrameMorph:IDE_Morph:
When receive key BlockLabelMorph:receiveKey:ScriptsMorph:ScrollFrameMorph:IDE_Morph:

Depending on whats your objectives are you can test other properties in "traverse()" function.