How do I implement a simple JavaScript function in Snap!

how do you get those blocks :thinking:

hi @mauro.sanmiguel573 , welcome to snap! I'm assuming you mean the javascript extensions, which is accessed by pressing the settings button at the top, and enabling javascript extensions. Then you should find it in the "Operators" section.

no the duration and the cumulative

dardoro made those blocks. To use them easily, drag the pictures to your web browser's tab selector, and drag them to the tab with your editor.

and i have a bajillion tabs

You should be able to distinguish between the snap forums icon and the normal snap editor icon. The snap forums icon is italic, while the editor one is normal.
Snap Editor: λ
Snap Forums: λ

Or just drag the script picture to your desktop, and then switch to the right tab and drag it in.

I just mod it for fun, because programming, to me, is fun.
And I don't just mod Snap, I mod projects on snap too.
While I get your reasoning, I think your method of getting there is wrong

Also kinda confused by adding in (males) in

but ok

ik but some tabs are invisible because :face_exhaling:
i have a bajillion tabs

Ctrl+Shift+A is your friend.

u think its text

No. CtrlShiftA lets you search you tabs.

Oftentimes, my school actively distrusts open source software, believing that open is fundamentally less secure. They fully subscribe to Security through Obscurity.

It's increasingly hilarious how not being able to know what the code does or is, is safe

thats hilariously sad
i wish every program was open source to some degree

Same. That's why I use Gentoo on my personal computer.

Whats Gentoo?

A source-based linux distro. You've got to compile all your programs from the original source code to use them.

ohhh, cool!

but does sound a bit tedious

Took me all night to compile Firefox, but the performance gains are worth it.