How can I do this

They mean that they talked to henhen123 in person about this topic.

Besides, if orphaned blocks (not attached to a hat) could run, debugging would be impossible.

This is like asking how you can make a bird fly when its wings are clipped. Just unclip its wings!

Sometimes it is fun to try to work within restrictions (like no hats) to reinvent the wheel (run a script), but basic rules have to be in place to make a programming language usable. This is one of them.

I have two reasons if not many why a project would have no hats:

  1. It's a non-interactive message to carry to the Snap! community.
  2. You're trying to make a project that to interact with it, the user must go into the editor and click on blocks, set inputs, etc.. Would be a fun and fascinating project if you create them one day.

I talked to him in person.

Oh ok so it is impossible but I like what you and @mobility212 said just make a game but in order to run it you have to go in the code and click on the script! It does sound fun!

um. ok. kinda weird though - what would be more fun was a game that actually worked.

thats what I said!

Well you didn’t say it in a fun way like @mobility212 and @mark4sisb (not trying to be mean)

fair enough. but if you want to create a game with no hats, there's a pretty high bar: here (tell us what you think!)


I looked at the project and wow that is so cool idk how they did it!

Metaprogramming, A.K.A. The Bane of Jens


To be more specific, they used the set [label V] of block(()@>) to [] to change the label of the block. For example, running this:
set [label V] of block ((example::other)@>) to [example 2]
results in the block becoming
(example 2::other)
This is metaprogramming.

Oh cool