Hat blocks are MUCH slower for a large amount of blocks than a custom block

That rotatable cube project is wonderful, thank you!

i tried it on my laptop, and didn't notice at first, but i figured out why.
it seems that most of the effect is apparent when the browser runs at high framerates.
on my desktop, in firefox about:config, i have layout.frame_rate set to 240. the effect becomes very obvious then. without this it seems to mostly just not register keys instead of queuing.

even weirder is that it seems to drop inputs if the sprite isn't open, but queues them if the sprite is open.

however, the effect is still there in the simple text box project regardless of framerate, just somewhat less of it. it's still enough for it for me to notice how unresponsive it is while typing, my test project is just exaggerated.

if the issue is calculating the glows, maybe cache the image?

also i have a very nice cube too, i sent it before in the forums but i'm not sure if you've missed it.
i think everyone could do with some more cubes

When I tested it on my school computer (win 10, firefox (chrome was taking forever to load)), and it lagged quite a lot. When I tested it on my pc, it ran pretty fast.

I did compare it with my own text editor, (ignore the project title), which uses the when any key pressed block to detect the keys.

The major difference between my project and yours, is that I put my scripts in a block, because it was lagging a lot, and I made the text render when you press a key. I did also use a kind of complicated system for figuring out where every character is (which actually made it easier to position the caret). Now of course, I don't have word wrapping, a resizable text box, which might make it run just a bit slower, but seeing as how I already grab the width of each character, it wouldn't be that hard to test if a word is too big for a line.

I have not tested it on my school computer, but I assume it will run pretty well.