Hash Algorithm

Well, yes...
For me he's @bh

How do you the guessing THING? I'm trying to make a thing that compares passwords and stuff like that. I want to get ALL the probabilities

What do you mean exactly?
Just verify you are using the latest version btw.

Never mind I don't know what I'm doing myself.

Aw, c'mon, don't get in trouble.

I don't know how to hack :~P I asume your joking with me

No. It was for a secure account thing for my cloud variables server thing. I was trying to recreate it in python but it wasn't working

Are you sure you are using this?:

the fact you still login is amazing to me.

Nah, I dont really need it because everything is stored in env variables anyway.

OK. Call me if you get those probabilities

I dont have ur phone number or discord lol

Notify me if you get those probabilites

Is that word better?

Yeah lol

Also what PROBABILITIES? If I give them to you you get admin on my cloud server which I dont really want

What? I created this algorithm!
Anyway. It's almost impossible to decode hashed texts even for me...

I thought you meant you wanted to bulk-hash all the common passwords!

Well, you know, supporting/moderating the community is part of what we do here! I'd say "it's my job" but I'm retired so technically I don't have a job.

Hey! Is there a way to decode a hashed text that I didn't know?

I was talking about your scratch account, also, I like developers like you and Jens.
You don't mind people wanting to talk to you and @'ing you.
I've only known one other developer who's like this.
Edit: Now that I think about it, I've known a lot developers...