Hash Algorithm

how do we import this into a project?

Can't import the project on mobile or on a chromebook.

Just copy the source, open Notepad. Save it as TXT and then go Snap! and import the file.

chrome os doesn't have a notepad

scratch snap can read txt files that have XML in them?



there is also editpad.org
edit: nvm that used to be editpad


  • I've entirely rewritten the code. It's more secure and collision-resistant.
  • For security reasons, I've disabled 8-15 and 257-2048 output length options.

(C) 2022 ScratchModification

I tested my hash algorithm, and I found 1 collision:

I don't recommend you to use . This could mess up my algorithm.

Some of my secrets

I also converted the output to HEX base:

What do you think? Will you use my algorithm rather than ?

Wasn't very hard to figure out the third one with trial and error.

What did you figure out?

You want me to reveal?

To reveal what?

Your favorite scratch user? I thought this was communicated before. I figured it out.

Oh! My favorite Snap! user?

Yes. I figured it out.

But how???

Trial and error.

Oh! You guessed. Well done!
So who is that user?