Funny programming language in snap! (Part 1)

that's nothing like sathvikrias wanted. He wanted it to be

Only people who know about coding would actually understand that. Also, that doesn't follow the english grammer, so that doesn't help.

This is ok.Just like "Ignore the noise of the crowd!".It's not that good is because we don't have a null type.

This might help (although not really intuitive)


That doesn't make sense. Besides, this is "English" not "Chinese". "The product of 2+3 and multiplying 5"

I don't think spaces in a name would work. Unless you make it something like

${a} /*get variable name*/
a /*get identifier or something*/

in which case you COULD have names with spaces:

create these script variables:"
a name, another name" /*no commas allowed in names*/
set a name to 0 /*you aren't allowed to name a variable 'to' as a consequence of this*/
return ${a name} /*returns 0*/

Just use PHP syntax for variables

$ var-name = var-value ;

create multiple variables in one line

$ var-name, other-var-name ;

report a variable

$ var-name

but we want it more english so here's more of an english syntax

make var-type $ var-name
set $ var-name to var-value

this would work:

create the following script variables: {


create the following script variables: "some", "script", "vars"

That is sum not and in this context

you know i'm making this in snap! right?

Oof D~:

[scratchblocks v] uses (parens){

English ≠ scratchblocks

"The product of the sum of 2+3 and multiplying 5" doesn't make sense either...

will lists look like this?

make a script variable $list
set $list to (a, b, c, d)

What are you trying to say? I don't get it.

idk he probably thinks we are making custom blocks in Snap! because we said we are making it in Snap!

whaaaa but I thought JS was already a english programming language but the difficulty to do something with it or read it is raised to 90%

i do not understand

it is, but it doesn't follow the english grammar.