First-class colors (Part 3)

What are those?

Variadic basically means multiple. This is a variadic color input:
Also welcome to the forums!

thank you!

(I like Taco Bell a lot lol :stuck_out_tongue: )

We should have this block.

[scratchblocks] (color #[ffffff] :: pen) [/scratchblocks]

how do you set the color of [scratchblocks]?

@sathvikrias answer this.

@helicoptur please do not start an edit war

@bh why did you delete the home page?

I was deleting an edit war.

But I think you're confused about the status of this work. There will shortly be an official Colors and Crayons library that supports first class colors. Several people in this discussion thread have contributed ideas to it, for which thank you, but this isn't going to be a collaborative project; it's going to be an official Snap! library, pretty much written by me.

The thread started out as a feature request; look at its category! And it was answered with a "yes"! We're implementing this feature, although it's in a library (at least so far). Ideas for improvement are welcome; that's why I've been posting partial implementations.

will it be programmed in js or snap! ?

It's almost entirely in Snap!, apart from a couple of one-liners to extract the RGB or HSV values from the pen color. Read the code! Here it is: color.xml (253.5 KB)

Okay, here is the final-for-now library: color.xml (254.0 KB)
and here's Appendix A of the manual, explaining it: color-appendix.pdf (4.0 MB)

Bug reports still welcome. Feature suggestions will probably be deferred until the next time I have nothing else to do; other things require my attention now. (Besides cleaning up after your flame wars, I mean.)

[scratchblocks] set pen color to [#123abc] a pink block :: #ff8888 a colored block with a colored input [#888888] :: #997755 [/scratchblocks]

set pen color to [#123abc]
a pink block :: #ff8888
a colored block with a colored input [#888888] :: #997755

suggestion: you should be able to control how much to lighten and darken
also, please add it to the dev version, edit the description.

Oh, you want LIGHTEN and DARKEN as official features? I put those in as debugging aids for myself. I suppose we could make them features, although they're easy enough to implement on top of the existing features. I'll think about this.

EDIT: Okay, I think the real missing feature is a CHANGE COLOR block that takes inputs like SET PEN but also takes a starting color as input, so you could say
CHANGE COLOR (color) LIGHTNESS BY (number). I'll work on that.

There is to many blocks in the library. :alonzo: has to make some changes. And he will have to think hard. Unfortunately, :alonzo: has a hard time thinking and has to have @bh thinking for himself. :frowning: (or you could make them their own category)

you should be able to replace "LIGHTNESS" to whatever you need, (saturation, hue, etc.)

in the xml file what is

function () { // add/edit menus but don't forget to edit other slot manual menu options to match var color_number=[ "0 black=0", "14 white=14", "20 spectral red=20", "25 darkest red=25", "30 saddle brown=30", "35 darkest brown=35", "40 spectral orange=40", "45 darkest orange=45", "50 spectral yellow=50", "55 darkest yellow=55", "60 spectral green=60", "65 darkest green=65", "70 spectral cyan=70", "75 darkest cyan=75", "80 spectral blue=80", "85 darkest blue=85", "90 spectral violet=90", "95 magenta=95"]; var fair_hue=[ "0 red=0", "12.5 brown=12.5", "25 orange=25", "37.5 yellow=37.5", "50 green=50", "62.5 cyan=62.5", "75 blue=75", "87.5 violet=87.5"]; var crayon=[ "grays",[ "0 black #000000=0", "1 gray7 #121212=1", "2 gray14 #242424=2", "3 gray21 #363636=3", "4 gray28 #484848=4", "5 gray36 #5c5c5c=5", "6 gray43 #6d6d6d=6", "7 gray50 #7f7f7f=7", "8 gray57 #919191=8", "9 gray64 #a3a3a3=9", "10 gray71 #b5b5b5=10", "11 gray78 #c8c8c8=11", "12 gray85 #dadada=12", "13 gray92 #ececec=13", "14 white #ffffff=14"], "pinks",[ "15 deep pink #ff1493=15", "16 hot pink #ff69b4=16", "17 bright pink #ff007f=17", "18 raspberry #e30b5d=18", "19 amaranth #e52b50=19"], "reds",[ "20 red #ff0000=20", "21 burgundy #900020=21", "22 cherry #990000=22", "23 dark candy apple red #a40000=23", "24 sanguine #c00000=24", "25 maroon #800000=25", "26 crimson #c90016=26", "27 Lists #d94d11=27", "28 candy apple red #ff0800=28", "29 coquelicot #ff3800=29"], "browns",[ "30 saddle brown #8b4513=30", "31 chocolate #7b3f00=31", "32 kobicha #6b4423=32", "33 sepia #704214=33", "34 chestnut #954535=34", "35 dark brown #654321=35", "36 brown #964b00=36", "37 golden brown #996515=37", "38 cinnamon #b87333=38", "39 copper #d2691e=39"], "oranges",[ "40 orange #ff7f00=40", "41 Pantone orange #ff5800=41", "42 pumpkin #ff7518=42", "43 Variables #f3761d=43", "44 Spanish orange #e86100=44", "45 burnt orange #cc5500=45", "46 sinopia #cb410b=46", "47 ochre #cc7722=47", "48 carrot #ed9121=48", "49 tangerine #f28500=49"], "yellows",[ "50 yellow #ffff00=50", "51 Control #e6a822=51", "52 dark goldenrod #b8860b=52", "53 goldenrod #daa520=53", "54 saffron #f4c430=54", "55 sandstorm #ecd540=55", "56 mustard #ffdb58=56", "57 gold #ffd700=57", "58 egg yolk #fee33e=58", "59 rubber duck #fbe108=59"], "greens",[ "60 lime #00ff00=60", "61 apple green #8db600=61", "62 Operators #62c213=62", "63 forest green #228b22=63", "64 green #008000=64", "65 dark green #006400=65", "66 dark pastel green #03c03c=66", "67 emerald #50c878=67", "68 mint #3eb489=68", "69 Pen #00a178=69"], "cyans",[ "70 aqua (cyan) #00ffff=70", "71 dark cyan #008b8b=71", "72 cerulean #007ba7=72", "73 iceberg #71a6d2=73", "74 Sensing #0494dc=74", "75 teal #008080=75", "76 light sky blue #87cefa=76", "77 deep sky blue #00bfff=77", "78 dodger blue #1e90ff=78", "79 azure #007fff=79"], "blues",[ "80 blue #0000ff=80", "81 midnight blue #191970=81", "82 dark powder blue #003399=82", "83 cobalt #0047ab=83", "84 denim #1560bd=84", "85 navy blue #000080=85", "86 steel blue #4682b4=86", "87 Motion #4a6cd4=87", "88 cornflower #6495ed=88", "89 slate blue #6a5acd=89"], "purples",[ "90 violet #8000ff=90", "91 Looks #8f56e3=91", "92 grape #6f2da8=92", "93 indigo #4b0082=93", "94 x11 purple #a020f0=94", "95 magenta (fuchia) #ff00ff=95", "96 dark orchid #9932cc=96", "97 Sound #cf4ad9=97", "98 purple #7f007f=98", "99 dark magenta #8b008b=99"]]; function makeMenuHelper(items, output) { // in an array, walk through the items in pairs var i = 0; while (i < items.length) { var label = items[i]; var possiblyNested = items[i+1]; // if possiblyNested is array, it is a nest under label // if possiblyNested is string, it is just a sibling if (possiblyNested === undefined) { // label is actually the last element of the list var hasEquals = label.split("="); if (hasEquals.length == 2) { output[hasEquals[0]] = hasEquals[1]; i += 1; } else if (hasEquals.length == 3) { output[hasEquals[0]+"\u00A0"+"="+"\u00A0"+hasEquals[2]] = hasEquals[0]+"\u00A0"+"="+"\u00A0"+hasEquals[2]; i += 1; } else { output[label] = label; i += 1; } } else if (typeof possiblyNested == "string") { var hasEquals = label.split("="); if (hasEquals.length == 2) { output[hasEquals[0]] = hasEquals[1]; i += 1; } else if (hasEquals.length == 3) { output[hasEquals[0]+"\u00A0"+"="+"\u00A0"+hasEquals[2]] = hasEquals[0]+"\u00A0"+"="+"\u00A0"+hasEquals[2]; i += 1; } else { output[label] = label; i += 1; } } else if (Array.isArray(possiblyNested)) { var nestingOutput = {}; makeMenuHelper(possiblyNested, nestingOutput); output[label] = nestingOutput; i += 2 } else { throw new Error("Bad value at index " + i); } } } var ide = world.children[0]; var menuVarName = this.parent.blockSpec; try { menuVarName = this.parent.cachedInputs[0].children[0].text; } catch(err) { menuPoss = this.parent.children; menuPoss = menuPoss.filter(function (e) { return (e instanceof InputSlotMorph)}); menuVarName = menuPoss[0].children[0].text; } menuVarName = menuVarName.replace(" ","_"); try { var menu = eval(menuVarName); var output = {}; makeMenuHelper(menu, output); return output; } catch(err) { } }

javascript stuff in a menu