Finally, I accessed the GPT-3 API in Snap!

Usually the way to use apis is by using the url block, or the Web services access (https) library for more complex requests. There's a lot that goes into using an api that I can't easily explain here, so you can just google how to use the gemini api.

Chrome can do both text-to-speech and speech-to-text. If it is a simple question answering service you can use a Snap! block like this: Using AI with words and sentences

Yeah? I wasn't talking about using an api for text to speech, I was talking about using an api for gemini, which is google's ai chatbot.

that doesnt give good answers and it doesnt know every topic

Right that was state-of-the-art in AI 5 years ago but the problem with using anything better is that either it costs to use it or it requires more hardware than is reasonable. E.g. a freely available LLM with 7 billion parameters might be good enough but that's asking a lot.

what if we can use a key word in question or statement identifier and then sear wiki for the answer. or if its math idk

You may be interested in checking out Cohere's LLM.

I forgot that they provide a free API key (not production quality but good enough for many purposes). And 2 years ago I made it one of the options for Snap! blocks to talk to LLMs:

I haven't updated it and the Cohere API may have changed.

Also be warned that in the past I've relied upon free APIs that after a year or so were no longer free. But Cohere's seems to have been free for a while now.

that link is blocked

Documentation: ai/AI-Teacher-Guide/chapter-5.html at master · ecraft2learn/ai · GitHub
Blocks: ai/AI-Teacher-Guide/words blocks.xml at master · ecraft2learn/ai · GitHub

If the links above are blocked too, tell us!

Yes all the files are also on

The blocks for connecting to LLMs is at

Click on the block labeled "go to text generation blocks"

are you the one who made the generate image in style. do you know how the algorithm works

I don't know much more than what I wrote here
