English To Pig Latin

Which "it"? There are at least three implementations on the floor.

The original one by @joecooldoo linked on the initial post.

ego-way ay-lay atman-way ay-bay

wego lay watman bay

Ok so @ego-lay_atman-bay there are multiple ways to say your username as stated.

ego-lay_atman-bay is pig latin for lego batman, so

@joecooldoo found a bug.

Ou'reyay igpay atinlay ocksblay areyay okenbray . :~(

Wait so your user is pig latin for something. No wonder we are getting mixed up we’re doing Pig Latin to pig Latin :man_facepalming:

yeah, I don't know how you didn't see it.

It’s not, “ego lay batman” is because a noun cannot be translated.

It "kinda" works.


Just had a mini stroke here.


according to your rules. I just go with the simple pig latin rules.

That’s not “my rules” in all languages, if let’s just say someone named Cortes let’s say is a Spanish name. Then you cant say in German “ schneidet ist nett und klug” (cortes is nice and smart) you have to say “Cortes ist nett und klug”

Imho pig Latin, despite its cute name, isn't a "language" the way German is a language. It's more of a cypher, in which you definitely want to encypyher names so the enemy spies don't see them.

Did you not read the comment right in front of your eyes. (Sorry if I sound grumpy. I just got up.)

Yeah but I’m just pointing out the bug.

I know of that bug. Thats the reason I put it there.