Average calculator

Your min and max aren't the best algorithm.Try using recursive functions or cut-in-half functions.

what is that



and what is that

just tell clearly how to improve the algorithm, that isn't just a word with no apparent relationship with min and max functions in a block programming language.

an algorithm like merge sort


thats slower than normal map

all the "dichotomy" does is traverse through the list differently. it still does the exact same thing @sathvikrias's solution does but worse.

Bc it isn't primitive.It is faster than for item in list loops

That's because for item in list loops don't have a warp block written into them. And they're not intended to do the work of map, you shouldnt use for each item for the purpose of map

Your definition is more efficent then mine on size :smiley:

If you rewrite it in JS it will be faster than the map function

map and min without primitive map and combine

(forgot to click on the operators but they both return true)

also forgot to mention the ignore block, that has no definition and is there so i can run a reporter and ignore its output

Oh I see

You should make your own topic for that

cool calculator

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