Autorennen 2.0 is out!

It has been over a year since the original Autorenen was released. Today I present to you Version 2!
Play it right here!
Hauptmenü 2 Bühne-1 Bühne-2

how do i play it? i dont know german

The translation for all non-Germans:

Title Screen

Hauptmenü 2
Autorennen = car race
Anleitung = how to play
Spielen = play
Steuerung = controlls

How to Play

The red car is controlled by W, A, S and D.
The blue car is controlled by the arrow keys.

You drive the cars until both players have finished their laps.

  1. There is no reverse gear
  2. If you drive out of screen on the one side, you will be teleported to the other side

You can choose between absolute (absolute Steuerung) and relative (relative Steuerung) controls. Absolute means pressing the left key means you are driving to the left side of the screen, right key for driving to the right screen side, etc.
Relative control is controlling from the cars view. When you press the left button, the car will turn, the right button makes the car turn right, etc.
If this description is unclear, just try out both :~)

Selection Screen

Strecke = level name
Runden = laps
zurück = back to title screen
Spielen = play
neue Strecke = build a new level

End of the Game

The game has ended!
In this case red was 1.3 seconds faster and won the game. There is also the possibility of a draw.
Click on "Zurück zum Hauptmenü" to go back to the main menu.

Level Editor

An assistant will guide you to build your own Level.
(here is a long German explanation, just click on it)

Step 1

Build your track. The white assistant is at the top of the screen, just hover with the mouse on it to see it again. Don't forget, that the start/finish has to be four blocks wide.
If you have finished, click on "weiter".

Step 2

Now place these yellow boxes at the middle of a lap. You will not see them in game.
Then press "Erledigt!"

Step 3

Pull the cars to the start. Click on them to rotate. Then Press "Fertig!"

Step 4

Give your level a cool name. Then type in the number of laps you need to finish this course. This is all!

Here you are!

Hi - your project doesn't load for me

Can you post a direct link to it?

Just click on the small eye icon on the top right! :~)

Hi! Nice idea, but I'm constantly stucking in walls.

well... I am currently working on a second way to control the cars. For now you just have to practice :slight_smile:

No, I mean, walls are catching the cars and don't want to release them:

Well, this happens if you try to drive into a wall and keep driving forwards instead of turning into another direction. But i am working on a way to fix it.

Nice project! I'm currently learning German

Na dann versuch mal das Projekt ohne die Übersetzung zu verstehen :wink:

This should be better now.

Yes, it's better now. Why didn't you add backward motion?

Have you ever seen a formula 1 car driving backwards?

Have you ever seen a formula 1 car returning to race after meeting with a wall? :wink: