If you want to see what the ARPANET was like, check out telehack! (or, telnet telehack.com
on linux)
well, looks like you took this conversation to somewhere where the OP can't even respond so... enjoy
blocked by my school for being categorized as security...
wish i could check this out :[
Oh! I've been trying to follow Ben Eater's breadboard computer (I don't have components physically, so you can go to circuitjs and load the following file (download it, then press CtrlO to load it))
$ 2 0.0000049999999999999996 0.08119363461506351 1 5 50 5e-11
165 416 112 576 112 14 3.334598276576655
w 224 80 480 80 0
w 512 288 224 288 0
w 224 288 224 224 0
r 416 144 352 144 0 10000
w 352 144 352 80 0
w 352 80 224 80 0
w 224 96 224 80 0
R 224 96 224 128 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
g 224 224 224 176 0 0
w 544 144 544 80 0
w 544 80 480 80 0
w 544 176 544 256 0
w 544 256 544 272 0
w 384 272 416 272 0
w 416 144 416 176 0
w 224 224 224 208 0
w 224 208 240 208 0
c 240 208 320 208 0 0.002 -3.334598276576655 0.002
w 320 208 320 272 0
w 320 272 384 272 0
w 512 272 512 288 0
M 416 176 368 176 0 2.5
207 704 64 656 64 4 HALT
r 320 208 416 208 0 10000
w 416 240 416 208 0
207 704 96 656 96 4 SEL
207 128 440 80 440 4 PULSE
b 184 48 619 381 0
x 204 365 331 368 4 24 Astable\s555
207 1080 280 1136 280 4 Out
x 64 711 237 714 4 24 Monostable\s555
w 632 440 744 440 0
w 416 176 416 192 0
w 416 192 296 192 0
w 296 192 296 56 0
w 296 56 592 56 0
w 592 56 592 216 0
w 592 216 744 216 0
b 623 47 1091 498 0
x 638 484 769 487 4 24 Select\sLogic
150 1032 280 1080 280 1 2 0 5
I 704 64 776 64 0 0.5 5
w 776 64 976 64 0
w 976 64 976 272 0
w 976 272 1032 272 0
150 744 208 816 208 1 2 0 5
w 704 96 704 200 0
w 704 200 744 200 0
w 704 200 704 408 0
I 704 408 776 408 0 0.5 5
150 792 424 864 424 1 2 0 5
w 776 408 776 416 0
w 776 416 792 416 0
w 744 440 792 440 0
w 792 440 792 432 0
152 912 288 984 288 1 2 0 5
w 984 288 1032 288 0
w 816 208 912 208 0
w 912 208 912 280 0
w 912 296 912 424 0
w 912 424 864 424 0
w 128 440 208 440 0
w 408 272 544 272 0
w 408 272 416 272 0
w 480 272 480 296 0
b 616 384 46 730 0
b -168 -88 1398 861 0
x -149 845 -46 848 4 40 Clock
o 22 1 0 x81016 4.999999999997229 0.0001 0 2 0.5 -1 18 0 1.2499999999993072 0 Clock
oh nice!
you made the same exact little 8-bit pc with him?
try jslinux on bellard.org.
I'm trying to. So far I made the astable 555 timer.
Well, it's more like what text terminals were like, I think. Maybe you can connect to somewhere else from it? That would be like the Arpanet.
But it has STARWARS! That's the best part. A totally awesome piece of art.
has a bunch of emulated ARPANET servers networked together, and you have challenges that you can do. to start I think you need an account. There is a sign up command, but I don't remember the syntax.
Oh, it's a game! :~/
honestly, it just looks like a regular terminal to me
You have to set up an account, then you can try it.
Sorta. It's mostly like "Connect to this server and find this file."
Ah, it's a scavenger hunt. I probably have the originals of those files stored away on some ancient disk somewhere. :~)
ancient arpanet disk? bet, i wanna see that
It's usually encrypted/encoded instructions for the next file to go to, until you get to the end.
The fun thing is the old programs & files you find as you complete the quests, plus getting to the server in the first place.
That sounds too much like work for me! :~)
It's actually pretty fun once you get into it.