All Lists and Variables Interaction

The top three blocks (global variables, local variables, and does variable exist?) came from the library; I created the other blocks below.

I am stuck on the variable watcher x and y reporters.

try your best

I already tried a few times. I might try again sometime.

do you know of a way to rename a variable?

It's simple. Right-click the variable you want to rename, and select "Rename variable".

I mean, a block renames a variable without me right-clicking it

No, we don't yet have the ability for a program to edit itself. On my long-term list.

Renaming variables... I hadn't thought of adding that to my varBlocks project. I think I can figure out how to do that.

I'm tempted to ask what the underlying purpose is. Are you using variables as a dictionary? Are you doing something that could better be implemented as a list structure?

I don't know, making a scratch in snap?

Oh. Being able to make Snap! in Snap! is definitely a goal for me. I think it'll require the ability to write programs programmatically, which is my when-things-slow-down project. (Right now everything is on hold because Google has broken Snap! again in Chrome v79.)

I don't know what version of google I have, and I can't check because I'm on my ipad right now.

Go to settings, and select About Chrome.

I know how to do it, but I was on my ipad at the time so I couldn't see what version I was using. I'm using Version 79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit). I just copied that from google chrome. you can also type into the search box, chrome://version