Add a block that checks if Javascript on a project is enabled

Yeah, some people don't want to have to import a block, and have that block have other blocks in it that auto import themselves.

I get that. I also agree with it and would like the feature.


Screenshot 2022-03-15 10.09.32 AM|272x186

Here is a solution. It's not the best, but it works. You will need the catch errors library though.

Or you can do this

You can just post images rather than putting links to them...

He didn't mean to, in fact, the ! before the image was gone, so that's why it became a link instead of an image. Just look at this

[quote="schoolin, post:25, topic:10085, full:true"]
[Screenshot 2022-03-15 10.09.32 AM|272x186 ](/uploads/short-url/d948Fu30HKBrfadOEm9bqUPOC8R.png)

Here is a solution. It's not the best, but it works. You will need the catch errors library though.

I can fix it just by adding an !

[quote="schoolin, post:25, topic:10085, full:true"]
![Screenshot 2022-03-15 10.09.32 AM|272x186 ](/uploads/short-url/d948Fu30HKBrfadOEm9bqUPOC8R.png)

Here is a solution. It's not the best, but it works. You will need the catch errors library though.

Am I the only one who sees this?

Another edit: fixed the image by adding in front of the image url.


Huh, that's weird beause the image shows up in the preview...

No, which is weird, because

for me a well.

Ah, that's a better solution.

The reason why is because the image doesn't exist on @ego-lay_atman-bay's side. So the forums is like "Where is this image?"

I don't think so, also, I just figured out that just by adding in front of the image url, it works.

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