wonky list editing

this might be a browser cache issue. Try "hard" reloading the Snap page once you get that problem: Press and hold the shift-key while clicking on the "reload" icon of your browser (the right-turning circle icon next to the url bar). Does that solve it?


When you open a JS console, does it show any error messages?

a lot of Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR somthing.js:1

are we talking about this link here: https://snap.berkeley.edu/snapsource/dev ?


well, looks like it's your connection then.


@jens The bug is happening again. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eB6Zu2CN1lRoLxiZO77KGEHZ8nrCOVIp/view?usp=sharing

thanks! It's actually a new bug. Will be fixed to the next minor release.