Weather api

The API key is free, just obtain one if you like this API...

no im saying a possible block that is designed for api keys so that only the owner of the project can view it

Oh, I understand... but I don't know how it should work: Public-key cryptography ?

That seem perfect ! Thank you so much !

I slightly modified it for constant speed execution...

Thank's again !

I don't see how to make it so Snap! itself can decode the key, but someone who reads the open source Snap! code can't duplicate that capability.

You can store the value in an onfuscated way as the lambda.
Run once to store as global "api getter"


But the HTTP request with the plain key is easily accessible in the browser console.
To really protect the API key, some kind of proxy is necessary.
Or limit the test runs to attract users but instruct them to get their own key if they want to use the project in the long run.

if you want to make it fast, do not use the let block.

Thanks, but in this case there is no noticeable difference...

is that possible to impliment into snap