Under the Hood of the Snap!Con2021-presented Text Editor project

I have deleted the project.

Good grief, that must have taken you forever!

What I would really like to do is animating drawing those 'connector diagrams' with pen, though.

And that would really take a lot of time.

I don't even have any idea how this could possibly be done. Do you have any idea?

JS Function Blocks script pic
is reported across the entire screen relative to stage(0 , 0). Maybe you can record trails and compose with screenshot.
Or something like ConnectorMorph must be invented...

I wonder what if mouse coordinates (as you suggested) - but relative to the (center of) biggest sprite (to which all the 'part' sprites are being 'nested'/attached to), instead of relative to stage, have to be recorded?

Sorry I really don't understand the question.

Oh, sorry, I wanted to say that maybe the coordinates need to be relative to the main sprite, not relative to stage, because the main sprite is much larger than stage and all other (script pictures) sprites are 'attached' to it.

Can't you just subtract the sprite's position from the mouse's position?